Cyanobacteria: instructions for use

Cyanobacteria: instructions for use

- Categories : Daphbio

What are cyanobacteria?

Halfway between algae and bacteria, cyanobacteria use light to grow, but also the minerals present in our aquariums, notably magnesium, trace elements and calcium.

In the aquarium, the nitrogenous waste from the fish will allow them to bloom. They are also present in over-enriched aquariums, but we have also observed their presence in oligotrophic aquariums where all parameters are correct.

Omnipresent in the red sea (hence the name red sea).

The impact in the reef aquarium

Their presence in the reef aquarium is unfortunately detrimental to all occupants. Cyanobacteria release toxins that quickly kill corals such as sps and lps. More alarming signs will soon follow: detritus, dead fish or crustaceans.

You must act to prevent them from taking all your residents.

What can you do to eradicate them?

When cyanobacteria have taken hold in an aquarium, you must take action:

  • 1 By using an unenriched salt. Unfortunately, most salts are enriched and this enrichment is favourable to the development of cyanobacteria.
  • 2 By stopping the addition of calcium, magnesium and trace elements during the treatment period. Feed less, one meal a day is enough and it will be consumed in 2 minutes, be careful with your distribution of frozen micro-crustaceans, rinse them well in a net, especially artemia.
  • 3 Using our anti-cyanobacteria treatment.

Anti-cyanobacteria protocol and dosage

daphbio® anti-cyanobacteria kit:

  • Aquarium up to 200 litres: pour 30 ml of anti-cyanos + 20 ml of Microfauna Booster®.
  • Aquarium up to 500 litres: pour 40 ml of anti-cyanos + 30 ml of Microfaune Booster®.
  • Aquarium from 500 to 1000 litres: pour 50 ml of anti-cyanos + 40 ml of Microfaune Booster®.

Treatment to be carried out in the evening for 5 or 6 days, with the skimmer switched off for 1 hour.

Bactoreef®: Pour 2ml of Bactoreef® per 100 litres of water every day for 1 month and then every other day.

At the end of the treatment, continue Bactoreef® in the morning and finish the bottle of Microfaune Booster® distribution 3 times a week (see label).

Do not filter under charcoal, during treatment and 5 days after treatment.

Expert advice: Siphon off your cyanos before treatment as they can release cyano-toxins that are lethal to the aquarium's occupants. The after treatment consists of reseeding the microfauna, this is as important as the anti-cyanos treatment! We also recommend the reseeding kit because microfauna is essential in saltwater aquaria.